[員工優惠] 德國「秀碧」除疤膏 (20克)


(產品到期日: 2024年12月1日)

德國 「秀碧®」 除疤膏在 60 多個國家中是最暢銷的疤痕治療良藥,並經常獲得世界各地醫生的建議使用,療效已在許多臨床研究中得到證實。 德國 「秀碧®」 除疤膏可對各類疤痕進行極有效的治療,能積極促進皮膚的癒合過程,並從內部減除疤痕形成。 含三種活性成分,能深入疤痕,從內部除疤,成效顯著,疤痕幾乎完全看不見。


Contractubex® is the best-selling scar treatment in over 60 countries, and is regularly recommended by doctors all around the world. Its efficacy has been proven in numerous clinical studies. Contractubex® is a highly effective treatment for all scar types. It actively promotes the healing process of the skin and reduces scarring from within. Its unique combination of three active ingredients works its way deep into the scar, reducing scarring from within. The result: a nearly invisible scar.

產品功效 Contractubex exerts a softening and smoothening effect on indurated, hypertrophic, painful and cosmetically disfiguring scar tissue. Relaxation of scars. Deep penetration of the active ingredients into the skin and hence affords an intensive local treatment. * Unique combination of active ingredients, Cepalin, Heparin, Allantoin * Prevents excessive scar tissue formation * Reduces redness, itching and the feeling of tension * Makes the scar smoother and improves elasticity
產品使用方法 Gentle massage Contractubex into the skin or scar tissue about 2 minutes until complete penetration of the ointment in circular motions with 3-4 times per day for at least 3 months.
產品成分 Cepalin, heparin sodium, allantoin, Gel base ad
產品質地 Gel
每包裝數量 20G
產地 Germany
注意事項 Keep all drugs out of the reach of children
保存方法 Store below 25°C.